Today is a sad day. Sony has passed away... On May 21st 2008.
I love you Sony, I know you were suffering but I guess no one knew to what you were going through.
I remember how I played with you during my break times at AG Golf. You were so fat but so cute . And you were so camera shy that I couldn't get a good shot at you.
I found her resting today. And it was obvious. I didn't believe Jim at first, but, seeing you laying there, I knew. I called out your name but nothing. Resting there peacefully on the ground. I won't remember how you laid there today.
I'll remember how I had so much fun with you in the back yard. Playing. You chasing your toys and me keeping them away from you. You were so cute, you were so lovable, you were so fat... you were etched in my heart. Somehow, I always thought that you were my dog and that it was true.
Goodbye sweetie. I hope you have sweet dreams, and I hope that you are in a better place, chasing your toys and eating greasy Chinese food for dinner.